
Bocconi and Antin Together to Develop a Culture of Infrastructure

, by Tomaso Eridani
A lectio by Angelika Schochlin as part of the course which sees Antin IP partner with Bocconi to foster students' knowledge of topics related to the financing of infrastructure

The EU forecasts that from here until 2020 in Europe there will be infrastructure gap of the value of 3 trillion euro. It is thus imperative to spread a greater culture regarding investments in infrastructures and with this in mind Antin Infrastructure Partners has decided to partner Bocconi in educating young students about this topic and about structured finance.

The partnership sees Antin supporting with a donation the graduate course Structured and project finance, held by Stefano Gatti, of the Department of Finance at the University and Director of the full-time MBA at SDA Bocconi, with the dedication of the course for the academic year 2015-16. As part of the partnership on October 15 Angelika Schöchlin, partner at Antin IP, held a lectio on the topic 'Institutional investors and their role in infrastructure financing'.

"We have a profound respect for Bocconi with two members of our team having graduated from the University. We are pleased to support this course and deepen our partnership with a leading academic institution," explains Schöchlin.

"Public funds can no longer meet the needs of infrastructure – it is more and more necessary to attract private investments, especially long-term funds, and to know how to manage these resources," explains Gatti. "Antin is one of the leading infrastructure investment funds in Europe and thus an ideal partner with whom to foster together a culture of infrastructures in young students."