
Atlantis Really Exists. Two Students of the LLM Discovered It

, by Davide Ripamonti
Laura Teresa Nunno and Alfonso Cristofano selected for the Singapore international final of the Italian Negotiation Competition 2021

Atlantis? It really exists. It was discovered in Greece, and it was brought to light by the king of explorers himself, Indiana Jones. Sound like fantasy or the plot of a new film? None of the above. The famous film character played by Harrison Ford was the protagonist of the "Italian negotiation competition 2021", organized by Lumsa University of Rome. The event was also attended by two students of the LLM in Law of Internet Technology at Bocconi University, Laura Teresa Nunno and Alfonso Cristofano, with their fictitious law firm "Olaf and Poe." It was a profitable experience, given that Laura and Alfonso won one of the two top places and qualified for the international phase of the competition, scheduled in a few weeks at the National University of Singapore.

"The two-round competition saw students negotiate collaboration contracts in order to find the city of Atlantis, with the presence of clients such as the renowned archeologist Indiana Jones," explains Alfonso Cristofano. "What we had to negotiate between the wealthy man in charge of the expedition and Indiana Jones were the various contracts, the expenses, which had to be stipulated for the expedition itself. Then, in a second phase, a new, further negotiation with the Greek government for the rights to the excavations." In the two negotiations, respectively with the University of Oslo and with that of Cassino, the judges assigned scores to the negotiating skills of the students, who were also beginners in this discipline: "Negotiation is an art, it is said often, but in reality, there are some basic principles that cannot be deviated from," Alfonso resumes. "Certain competences of private law and international law, for example. Then it takes collaboration, teamwork. Laura and I, one from Naples and the other from Candia, are perfectly complementary ".

The two students took part thanks to the proposal of Carmelo Fontana, Senior Regional Counsel at Google, and LLM professor in Law of Internet Technology at Bocconi. They also availed themselves of two exceptional coaches, Andrea Moretti (Head of Legal Ebay, Italy and Spain) and Giulia Tumicelli (Senior Legal Counsel at SAP). "We will go to the international final with the spirit with which we participated in this first phase", continues Alfonso, "to have fun and to learn from those who are better than us." And maybe to discover a new treasure ...