
The American Lesson

, by Tomaso Eridani
A lecture by John R. Phillips, US Ambassador to Italy, on how to help grow foreign investments in Italy

"Italy has nearly everything anyone could dream of, but many of you may have doubts about whether you will find the necessary opportunities here to begin and advance your careers. Today I want to talk to you about how Italy can take steps to become a more attractive investment destination, meaning more jobs and more growth". Thus opened John R. Phillips, US Ambassador to Italy, addressing Bocconi students in a lecture held within the course 'Comparative business and european law' of Marco Ventoruzzo, of the Department of Legal Studies.

"During the course we deal with aspects such as international business transactions, international litigation and arbitration and the topics of duties, customs and patents in international commerce," explains Ventoruzzo. "The speech of the Ambassador, who has a professional background in the judiciary, was concentrated on how to render Italy more attractive for foreign investments, especially from a judicial and legal point of view."

In his speech the Ambassador highlighted the important progress and results obtained thanks to the reforms of recent years but also the gaps which linger in rendering bureaucracy more streamlined and the judiciary system more efficient: essential factors to render Italy more competitive.

"Italy has the capacity to make many changes that would make it more attractive," concluded the Ambassador. "And as you prepare to take your well-earned places in commerce all around the world, I hope you will take the opportunity to make Italy an even better place to do business."

Read the full speech on the website of the US Embassy: