Riccardo Taranto
Born in Genoa on 11 March 1958, he has been Managing Director of Bocconi since November 2018 and CEO of the Egea publishing house since May 2021.
He graduated with a degree in Business Administration (Economics of Industrial Companies) from Bocconi University in 1981 and from Co. P.A.S. (Course Planning and Strategic Analysis) at SDA Bocconi in 1985.

Managing Director
Previously, he held various roles in Administration, Finance and Control at eight large industrial and services groups, including CFO of RCS Mediagroup and Prelios, Group Controller and Chief Accounting Officer at Telecom Italia, and Controller of the Photonics BU at Pirelli and Cisco Systems. He was also first Chief Executive Officer and then Chairman of RCS Sport (the company that organizes the Giro d'Italia and other sporting events). In the early years of his professional career, he was responsible for Planning and Control activities at Honeywell Information Systems, Alivar (Motta-Alemagna) and Roche SpA.
He is married, has a large family and is currently grandfather to five grandchildren. He is passionate about travel, photography and sports – previously more as a player, now mostly as a spectator.