
Three Weeks, Six Courses and All Corners of the World in a Classroom

, by Benedetta Ciotto
The second edition of the Bocconi Summer School will be held from 4 to 22 July. An intensive study program addressed to worldwide students enrolled in a Bachelor Degree. Applications open until April 20

After the first edition in 2015, the Bocconi Summer School returns this summer, from 4 to 22 July 2016, with a wider range of courses and with a greater number of participants. With 3 weeks of study, 180 students from all over the world and the possibility to choose between 6 different courses (all taught in English): Economics of European Union, Equity and Venture Capital Financing, Fashion and Design Management, International Business, Luxury Management, Sport Management.

"The Summer School was a success last year and made ​​it possible to attract international undergraduate students with an excellent profile, offering them a range of intensive lessons and mixing traditional teaching, such as lectures, with the presence of important guest speakers, multimedia teaching and business visits to banks, companies and institutions", says Stefano Caselli, Vice Rector for International Affairs at Bocconi University. A real full immersion to learn and experience every aspect of the chosen discipline, as well as an opportunity to live a few weeks dipped in a multicultural environment, where many different languages are spoken ​​(the last edition was attended by students from 36 different nationalities). All this in the artistic and cultural context of the city of Milan. "In short, it represents a first important experience for students worldwide to discover Bocconi University as well as the Italian and European business community", concludes Caselli.

The Summer School is addressed to students enrolled in a Bachelor Degree of an international university, who will gain, at the end of the program, 6 credits for participating. To apply it is necessary to fill an online form on this page.

Applications, already open, will close on April 20.