
How Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Will Impact Our Lives

, by Fabio Todesco
On Tuesday, 17 November, 3:00pm, the first online chat of the #BemacsTalks series with IBM cognitive computing guru David Nahamoo

David Nahamoo, IBM Fellow, T.J. Watson Research Lab, is the guest of the first BEMACS Talk (Tuesday, 17 November 2015, 3:00pm, to be shown in streaming at, the new series of online talks about the impact of technologies on our lives promoted by the Bachelor of Science in Economics, Management and Computer Science (BEMACS). During the past 2 years, Nahamoo has been focusing on cognitive computing with an emphasis on natural human machine interfaces, multimedia analytics, and mobile security. He works on Watson, IBM's cognitive system capable of communicating in natural language, named after Thomas John Watson, IBM's Founder.

Imagining the Future: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and... is the title of the webinar, #BemacsTalks the hashtag.

The talk will be hosted by Emanuele Borgonovo, Full Professor of Statistics and BEMACS Director, who will interact with Nahamoo and Arnstein Aassve, Dean of the Bocconi Undergraduate School and a demographer who uses large sets of data to study population dynamics.

It will be possible to send questions to the talk participants via a messaging system, that will be available since 17 November 2015, 2:00 pm.

BEMACS, starting in academic year 2016-2017, is an international program aimed at students interested in analyzing the dynamics driving innovation. In particular, it focuses on those dynamics related to the digital economy and social media. Taught entirely in English, BEMACS will be reserved to a small cohort of selected students (the first class group will be made up of 80 people) and combines economics, management and law classes with computer science, programming, machine learning and big data.