23 May 2021 Against the Grain? Companies That Push CSR Beyond Their Own Interest Sandro Castaldo, Nicola Misani, and Antonio Tencati analyzed cases of super erogation, in which firms do something more, without expecting any kind of immediate payoff
16 Apr 2021 A New Tool Detects Emotions in Italian Social Media Posts Federico Bianchi, Debora Nozza, and Dirk Hovy released a freely available package for sentiment analysis and emotion recognition in Italian, overcoming the linguistic and economic limitations of similar tools
31 Mar 2021 Algorithms Are as Good as What They Are Fed Machine learning algorithms learn by experience. Thus, they may replicate societal bias contained in the data they are fed, argue Dirk Hovy and Debora Nozza in the third episode of the Clarity in a Messy World podcast
17 Mar 2021 The Three Ingredients of Customer Science Marketing, data science and machine learning allow us to better understand clients, according to Gaia Rubera, Amplifon Chair in Customer Science at Bocconi
11 Mar 2021 Listen to Us! Bocconi Knowledge Now on Podcast The Clarity in a Messy World series is for an intellectually curious, internationally oriented audience, eager to get to the roots of the most confounding issues of our time
18 Feb 2021 Bocconi and Amplifon Join Forces to Innovate the Customer Experience Through Artificial Intelligence The Amplifon Chair in Customer Science was announced and entrusted to Gaia Rubera. Its goal: to build a unique experience for consumers using textual analysis, computer vision and audio analytics techniques. At the cutting edge of omnichannel marketing