Partner Schools
Explore the full list of Universities and Business Schools worldwide that are part of our global network, comprising over 280 partner institutions in more than 50 countries across all continents.
Please note that the list is periodically updated and may change throughout the year.

Austria |
WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien |
Central European University |
Belgium |
Université Catholique de Louvain |
KU Leuven |
Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Czech Republic |
Charles University |
University of Economics, Prague |
Denmark |
Aarhus University |
Copenhagen Business School |
Estonia |
Estonian Business School |
Finland |
Aalto University |
France |
Audencia Business School |
École Polytechnique |
EDHEC Business School |
EMLYON Business School |
ESSEC Business School |
Grenoble Ecole de Management |
HEC Paris |
IÉSEG School of Management |
KEDGE Business School |
NEOMA Business School |
Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas |
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne |
Université Paris-Dauphine |
UPEC - Université Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne |
Sciences Po |
SKEMA Business School |
Université de Strasbourg |
Toulouse Business School |
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole |
Germany |
Bucerius Law School |
EBS Universität |
ESMT Berlin |
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management |
Freie Universität Berlin |
Hertie School of Governance |
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Universität zu Köln |
Ludwing-Maximilians-Universität München |
Universität Mannheim |
Technische Universität München |
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management |
Hungary |
Corvinus University of Budapest |
Ireland |
Trinity College Dublin |
University College Dublin |
Italy |
European University Institute |
Luxembourg |
Université du Luxembourg |
Norway |
BI Norwegian Business School |
NHH Norwegian School of Economics |
Poland |
SGH Warsaw School of Economics |
Portugal |
Universidade Católica Portuguesa,Lisboa |
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto |
Universidade de Lisboa - ISEG |
Universidade Nova de Lisboa |
Romania |
Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative SNSPA |
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies |
Spain |
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Universidad de Deusto |
IBEI - Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals |
IE University |
Universidad de Navarra |
Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Universidad de Salamanca |
Sweden |
Chalmers University of Technology |
University of Gothenburg |
Jönköping University |
Stockholm School of Economics |
Uppsala University |
Switzerland |
ETH Zürich |
Université de Genève |
The Graduate Institute Geneva |
Université de Lausanne - HEC |
Universität St. Gallen |
Universität Zürich |
The Netherlands |
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Universiteit Leiden |
Maastricht University |
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
Tilburg University |
Universiteit Utrecht |
UK |
Aston University |
University of Bath |
University of Birmingham |
University of Bristol |
City University of London |
University College London |
Durham University |
The University of Edinburgh |
University of Essex |
University of Exeter |
University of Glasgow |
King’s College London |
Lancaster University |
University of Leeds |
London Business School |
London School of Economicsand Political Science |
Loughborough University |
The University of Manchester |
University of Nottingham |
Queen Mary University of London |
University of St Andrews |
University of Strathclyde |
University of Sussex |
The University of Warwick |
Ukraine |
Karazin Kharkiv National University |
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) |
Canada |
University of Alberta |
The University of British Columbia |
University of Calgary |
HEC Montréal |
McGill University |
University of Ottawa |
Université du Québec à Montréal |
Queen’s University |
Simon Fraser University |
University of Toronto |
University of Victoria |
Western University |
York University |
American University |
Arizona State University |
Babson College |
Boston College |
Boston University |
Brandeis University |
Brigham Young University |
University of California |
UC Hastings College of the Law |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Case Western Reserve University |
The University of Chicago |
University of Colorado Boulder |
Columbia University |
Cornell University |
Dartmouth College |
Duke University |
Emory University |
University of Florida |
Fordham University |
The George Washington University |
Georgetown University |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Indiana University |
Johns Hopkins University |
University of Maryland |
University of Michigan |
Michigan State University |
University of Minnesota |
New York University |
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Northeastern University |
Northwestern University |
University of Notre Dame |
The Ohio State University |
University of Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania State University |
Princeton University |
Purdue University |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
University of Richmond |
University of San Diego |
San Diego State University |
University of South Carolina |
University of Southern California |
Southern Methodist University |
SUNY - The State University of New York |
Temple University |
The University of Texas at Dallas | |
Texas A&M University |
The University of Texas at Austin |
Tulane University |
University of Virginia |
Virginia Tech |
University of Washington |
Washington University in St. Louis |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Yale University |
Argentina |
Universidad de Belgrano |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Universidad de San Andrés |
Universidad Torcuato di Tella |
Brazil |
Fundação Getulio Vargas |
FIA - Fundação Institutode Administração |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Chile |
Universidad Adolfo Ibañez |
Universidad de Chile, School of Economics and Business | |
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile |
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María |
Colombia |
Universidad de Los Andes |
Costa Rica |
INCAE Business School |
Mexico |
IPADE Business School |
Tecnológico de Monterrey |
Peru |
Universidad ESAN |
Universidad de Lima |
Uruguay |
Universidad Católica del Uruguay |
Venezuela |
China |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
City University of Hong Kong |
Fudan University |
The University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Business |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
UIBE - University of International Business and Economics |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Lingnan University |
University of Nottingham Ningbo China |
Peking University |
Renmin University of China |
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics |
Sun Yat-sen University |
Tsinghua University |
Xiamen University |
India |
IIFT - Indian Institute of Foreign Trade |
IIM Ahmedabad |
IIM Bangalore |
IIM Calcutta |
IIM Indore |
IIM Kozhikode |
IIM Lucknow |
ISB - Indian School of Business |
MDI Gurgaon – Management Development Institute |
Japan |
Hitotsubashi University |
International University of Japan |
Keio University |
Kobe University |
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business |
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University |
Waseda University |
Korea |
Hanyang University |
Korea University |
Seoul National University |
Sungkyunkwan University - School of Business | |
Yonsei University |
Malaysia |
University of Nottingham Malaysia |
Taylor’s University |
Singapore |
Nanyang Technological University |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore Management University |
Taiwan |
National Chengchi University |
National Taiwan University |
Thailand |
Chulalongkorn University |
Thammasat University |
Vietnam |
Foreign Trade University |
Australia |
The University of Adelaide |
Australian National University |
The University of Melbourne |
Monash University |
University of New South Wales |
The University of Queensland |
Queensland University of Technology |
RMIT University |
The University of Sydney |
University of Technology Sydney |
The University of Western Australia |
New Zealand |
The University of Auckland |
University of Otago |
Victoria University of Wellington |
Israel |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
IDC Herzliya |
Tel Aviv University |
Kuwait |
Kuwait University |
Lebanon |
American University of Beirut |
Turkey |
Bilkent University |
Boğaziçi University |
Koç University |
Sabancı University |
United Arab Emirates |
American University in Dubai |
Egypt |
The American University in Cairo |
Ghana |
GIMPA - Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration |
Kenya |
Strathmore University |
Morocco |
Al Akhawayn University |
ESCA Ecole de Management |
Nigeria |
Pan-Atlantic University -Lagos Business School |
South Africa |
University of Cape Town |
University of Pretoria - GIBS |
Stellenbosch University |
University of the Witwatersrand |