Tuition waiver for students with disabilities equal or greater than 66% - A.Y. 2025-2026
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100% waiver on the ordinary academic tuition and fees |
Bocconi University provides a tuition waiver for students with disabilities equal or greater than 66% enrolled in the first year or in a year after the first of Bachelor of Science or Law programs.
The benefit consists in the total exemption from the payment of tuition and fees.
1. Requirements
The benefit of the "Tuition waiver for students with disabilities equal or greater than 66%" can be requested by students:
- with recognized handicap, according to Article 3, paragraph 1 or paragraph 3 of Law No. 104/1992, or with a recognized civil disability equal to or greater than 66% pursuant to Italian Law no. 104/1992, enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor’s degree program and Law program for the academic year 2025-2026
- in possession of a disability certificate pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 or 3 of Italian Law n. 104/1992 issued by an Italian Medical Committee or a civil disability certificate attested by an Italian Medical Committee attesting a disability equal or greater than 66% pursuant to Italian Law no. 104/1992.
- who have submitted the single application: Bocconi4Access to Education a.y. 2025-2026 (please see below points 3 and 4).
Here you can check the information about disabilities about Right to University Education
The following students are not eligible to apply for exemption for students with disabilities and/or with a disability equal to or greater than 66%:
- students who have already completed a degree of the same level or higher than the program they are enrolled in;
- students who have reached the maximum benefit period, counted from the absolute first academic year of enrollment;
- students who intend to enroll in a second Bocconi degree.
The provisions outlined above constitute the official publication of the regulations for the a.y. 2025-26 regarding the benefit of "Tuition waiver for students with disabilities equal or greater than 66%" for students enrolled in the first year of the Bachelor's degree program, Law program and double program Hec-Bocconi in the a.y. 2025-26.
The benefit consists of a full exemption from the tuition and fees, and is aimed at students with recognized disabilities, in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1 or paragraph 3 of Law No. 104/1992, or with a recognized disability equal to or greater than 66%.
The exemption is granted for the academic year in which the application is submitted and is not automatically confirmed for subsequent academic years.
For this reason, students interested in receiving the benefit must submit an application each academic year of enrollment if they meet the required criteria.
There are no merit requirements to confirm the benefit.
The full exemption is granted for a maximum period not exceeding three semesters beyond the legal duration of the course of study attended, i.e.:
- a maximum of nine semesters for Bachelor's degree programs.
- a maximum of thirteen semesters for Law programs.
This maximum period is calculated from the first semester of the absolute first academic year of enrollment. The absolute first academic year of enrollment refers to the academic year of first-time enrollment in any degree program (even different from the one attended in the academic year 2025-2026) with the same academic title required for the level of study for which the student enrolled for the academic year 2025-2026, in any Italian or foreign university, regardless of the outcome of that career.
In the last academic year of granting of the benefit, the student is entitled to a full exemption from the tuition, and a 50% reduction in University fees.
It is specified that the benefit assigned is alternative to other types of exemption and/or concession and that, for each academic year, only one benefit can be applied among those offered by Bocconi University.
Students interested in receiving thebenefit must submit a single "Bocconi4Access to Education a.y. 2025-26" application, according to the specified deadlines and procedures .
Exemption applications submitted after the deadline will only be considered if students have received recognition of their disability and/or an invalidity equal to or greater than 66% after the application submission deadline.
In this case, for the a.y. 2025-2026, the student is entitled to a full exemption from the payment of tuition and fees, and any outstanding university contribution payments at the time of submission of the application for students with disability and/or an invalidity equal to or greater than 66%.
The benefit will only be granted after an accurate verification of all the required documentation provided by the applicant in the "Bocconi4Access to Education a.a. 2025-2026" application, as detailed here.
The exemption is granted for the academic year in which the application is submitted and is not automatically renewed for the following academic years.
For this reason, students interested in confirming the benefit must submit a new application every year, provided that they meet the requirements.
There are no merit requirements to confirm the benefit.
Please note that the benefit is granted for a maximum period not exceeding three semesters beyond the legal duration of the course of study, as indicated in point 2. General Rules.
The revocation of the benefit occurs in the following cases:
- if, during the a.y. 2025-2026, the student loses their recognition of disability or their disability level drops below 66% due to a revision examination conducted after the benefit was granted by the University; the student would be exempted for the academic year 2025-2026 from the tuition and fees that already expired at the date of the revision assessment;
- verifications carried out by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office reveal false documentation and declarations made by the student: the revocation shall take effect starting from the moment in which the illicit behavior took place and shall entail the full payment of ordinary academic tuition and fees starting from the academic year in which the student benefited from the benefit following the false documentation and/or declarations (articles 71 and 75 of Italian D.P.R. 445/2000);
- failure to lift the reserve on enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic year by 30 November 2025 at the latest. In this case the student will be required to pay the total amount of academic tuition and fees.
The student also loses the benefit if he/she withdraws from studies or transfers to another university during the academic year.