Services and Infrastructures Survey
Beyond ensuring the quality of teaching and research, Bocconi University also prioritizes offering efficient services that meet students' needs, supporting and facilitating campus life and the learning process.
With a commitment to continuous improvement and listening to user feedback, the University will be conducting an annual online survey. This survey is addressed to all students enrolled in Bachelor/Master of Science programs and PhD programs, focusing on internal services.
Use of Survey Results
The insights gathered from these surveys are meticulously examined by the heads of assessed services. They identify both strengths and areas of improvement in the resources and performance of each organizational unit and define interventions aimed at overcoming recognized challenges and inefficiencies to enhance the level of service offered to students.
One year later, customer satisfaction surveys are then also used to assess the extent to which the improvement initiatives implemented (or in progress) have been perceived and appreciated by the student population.
Also, the University regularly conducts an online survey given to Staff and Faculty. Its purpose is to gather their opinions on a range of services offered by the University. The collected feedback is then used to identify valuable insights for organizational improvements.
The data collected will be a useful source of information for organizational improvement. In fact, after the results have been published, Direction/Service are asked to indicate improvement actions through an online process.
Annually, heads of services are asked to provide an update on the actions implemented. This process allows them to assess the progress made and to ensure that improvement initiatives are effectively implemented.