
#WelcometoBocconi to all the new students!

, by Benedetta Ciotto
More than 20% of the students enrolled come from abroad. Two welcome weeks to introduce new students to an increasingly international and interdisciplinary environment

With the upcoming completion of the campus expansion project to be inaugurated on November 25 Bocconi University is more ready than ever to welcome all the new students who have chosen to enroll in one of the degree programs offered (9 Bachelors, 13 Masters of Science, one Degree program in Law). "Here at Bocconi you can study economics, management, political science, data science and law. Each student chooses a specific track, but along the academic path will have the opportunity to deepen all these disciplines, as they are all essential to understand the complexity of the world of social sciences," said Rector Gianmario Verona during his welcome speech.

Another distinctive feature of the University –besides interdisciplinarity- is its international atmosphere. Of the 2.900 students enrolled in the Bachelors and in Law, about 22% are international, a percentage that reaches 50% for the Bachelors taught in English. Concerning Masters of Science, at the moment about 2.100 students are enrolled in the first year, of whom about 20% are international, a percentage that exceeds 30% for programs taught in English. In addition, there are 1.065 exchange students (including students enrolled in the CEMS MIM and Themis programmes), who come from partner schools from all over the world to spend the next semester here.

"Changing country, becoming independent and learning the values of tolerance and sharing while living on a campus with students and professors from around the world will be important for our personal growth," says Kaoutar Moumni, who moved to Milan from Morocco to enroll in the International Economics and Finance Bachelor. "My biggest dream is to make a difference, even from the smallest things: sometimes it is enough to make a difference for one person who in turn will inspire others. That's how big changes come about. And that's why I'm attracted to the trading and investment banking sectors where even the smallest of numbers can make a huge difference".