
Three Bocconi Faculty Members Are Awarded the ASFOR Prize in Memory of Claudio Dematte'

, by Andrea Celauro, translated by Alex Foti
The papers by Ordanini and Russo-Vurro were acknowledged as winners during the IX edition of ASFOR Management Education Day

The papers "Service innovation viewed through a service-dominant-logic lens: a conceptual framework and empirical analysis" by Andrea Ordanini, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, and "Cross-boundary ambidexterity: Balancing exploration and exploitation in the fuel cell industry" (published on European Management Review) by Angeloantonio Russo and Clodia Vurro, who both teach at the Department of Management and Technology, were awarded the first and second prize, respectively, in the ASFOR awards established in memory of Claudio Demattè, the management scholar who founded SDA Bocconi School of Management and unexpectedly died in 2004 at 62 years of age. The award is given by ASFOR, the Italian Association for Management Education, in collaboration with SDA Bocconi and Emerald Group Publishing, and acknowledges the best papers or journal articles in 2009-2010 on the subject of managerial innovation and leadership.