A Stefania Borghini article among the top 50 in management in 2009
Stefania Borghini, assistant professor at Bocconi's Department of Management, has been awarded with one of the 50 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for the best business and management articles published worldwide in 2009 thanks to Why Are Themed Brandstores So Powerful? Retail Brand Ideology at American Girl Place (published in the Journal of Retailing, volume 85, issue 3), co-authored with Nina Diamond (Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University, Chicago), Robert Kozinets (Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto), Mary Ann McGrath (School of Business Administration, Loyola University, Chicago), Albert Muñiz (Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University, Chicago) and John Sherry (Mendoza College, University of Notre Dame).
Emerald Management Reviews is an abstracting and indexing database that covers every article in the top 400 business and management journals worldwide. Every article is sent to independent subject experts for evaluation.
The articles indexed, abstracted and evaluated in 2009, from which the 50 winners have been selected, were 15,000.