
Paolo Gentiloni: on 8 February a Face to Face with Bocconi Students

, by Andrea Celauro
The state of the European economy, and the resources to finance the digital and environmental transitions. These will be some of the issues that the European Commissioner for Economy will address in a meeting as part of the BocconiBoroli Lectures

The lectio will outline the state of the European economy, address the reform of the stability package and tax rules to finance the digital transition and measures against climate change, as well as taking stock of the taxation of multinationals and global governance. This is the speech that Paolo Gentiloni, European commissioner for the economy, will give on the stage of the Auala Magna at Bocconi. The event, in memory of Achille Boroli, is organized as part of the European Economic Policy course held by Carlo Altomonte, Professor of Economics of European Integration, and is part of the Bocconi-Boroli Lectures of the Achille and Giulia Boroli Chair in European Studies at Bocconi University. The meeting, in hybrid format, requires registration at this link.

"As part of the activities of the Boroli Chair in European Studies we always try to bring the protagonists of the economic and social life of Europe into contact with our students, so that this becomes a mutual moment of comparison and exchange of views on the challenges that await the Union," explains Altomonte. "It is an even more significant event this year when the Conference on the Future of Europe ends".

At the end of the lecture the three winning projects of the CIVICA Capstone Project will be announced. The projects are linked to specific and concrete political challenges of the European Union and are developed by the students of the CIVICA alliance as part of the first edition of the Graduate Multicampus Course "The Future of Europe", jointly designed and taught throughout the CIVICA network. The projects will receive a cash prize funded by the Achille and Giulia Boroli Foundation.