
One More Step Towards a Career in the Web and the Digital World

, by Benedetta Ciotto
Recruiting Date for the web and digital sector: on March 5 an opportunity for students to meet around 50 companies, talk directly with recruiters and update on trends of a constantly evolving market

Around 50 companies from the web and digital sector, all available to Bocconi students and graduates on March 5 in the foyer of the Aula Magna of the Roentgen building. This is the next Recruiting Date, a series of events to allow students to meet employers from a chosen sector during a speed-date-style situation, to be held from 1pm to 5pm.

An initiative during which not only do students come into contact with companies to discover all the internship and job opportunities in a casual atmosphere, but in which they can collect useful information for the pursuit of a career in the sector. "Having insights about the latest news and trends in this market is particularly important because it is a constantly evolving world, where new profiles and job roles emerge almost every day", explains Paola Cillo, professor of Innovation Management. "A tip for those who want to work in this industry is to build a solid background of analytical knowledge: the ability to make decisions based on data is an essential characteristic".

Marco Bardicchia, alumnus Bocconi who graduated in Management in 2012 and who now works at, agrees with that. "I deal with the marketing channel and manage a team of 5 campaign managers," he explains. "Constant evolution is a key characteristic of the digital world. My advice to students is not only to work on their soft skills – all the group works, presentations and tight deadlines that characterized my years at Bocconi were fundamental for my career - but also to choose as many elective courses in the digital field as possible, to keep up to date".

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