The ERC project of Guido Alfani will analyse social mobility from 1300 to 1800, trying to explain why trends in northern and southern Europe are so different

Economic inequality may have different effects on social systems with different levels of social mobility. The long-term tendencies of the latter will be explored in Social Mobility and Inequality across Italy and Europe: 1300-1800 (SMITE), hosted by Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, a research of the economic historian Guido Alfani (Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management) that has recently obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant.

Alfani's previous project Economic Inequality across Italy and Europe, 1300-1800, awarded with an ERC Starting Grant, stated that inequality soared continuously from 1300 to 1800, with the exception of the aftermath of the Black Death. The new project will assess the connection between inequality on one side and openness of the elites, economic and occupational mobility on the other side.

"This is an unexplored subject. The working hypothesis is that there were differences across our continent around 1500-1600. Inequality was on the rise in both northern and southern Europe, but upward social mobility increased only in Northern areas, where society was more open. In addition, we would not be surprised to discover that the Black Death gave impetus to upward social mobility in the whole continent".

Beginning June 2017, a team of researchers will analyze original archival sources such as property and tax records. "We are going to build up an unprecedented data set. The amount of work is huge. It would be impossible to carry out the project without the grant. The European Research Council is the game changer for research in Europe and Italy".

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