The ERC project of Simone CerreiaVioglio wants to develop a model of where a random choice is made because of a conscious decision to randomize

When asked to choose between available options, not every subject follows the expected utility model. Some choices may appear to be quite random: why does an individual who says he prefers food A to food B end up choosing the latter? In his ERC-funded project Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications, hosted by IGIER - Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research, Simone Cerreia-Vioglio (Department of Decision Sciences) aims to develop a model of where a random choice is due not to a mistake or a change in utility, but because a conscious decision to randomize.

"When individuals are unsure about their own preferences, for instance, we can observe violations of the principles of transitivity and independence that govern rational choices. Even the principle of differentiation, i.e. the preference for variety that causes random choices, can be reduced to rational principles".

In another strand of the project, Cerreia-Vioglio intends to study ambiguity in dynamic contexts, whereas it has been studied so far in atemporal contexts. "The research in micro- and macro-economy can benefit from a better understanding of these phenomena and from the development of a model that includes several distorting factors and connects different concepts in Decision Theory".

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