
Goal 5: Bocconi for Gender Equality

, by Barbara Orlando
Sixtyfive female students from 2022/23 will be able to study thanks to scholarships supported by alumni, individuals, foundations and businesses

Sixty-five female students will be financially supported in their university studies at Bocconi starting from the 2022/23 academic year. There are 45 in the current one. This is a constantly growing number and not an end point. Thanks to the support of alumni, individuals, foundations and companies, more and more female students can study at Bocconi, in any course of study, from a bachelor to an MBA, counting on exemptions and scholarships dedicated to them. With this concrete action, the university is contributing to the achievement of Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

"According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2021, the global gender gap has increased by one generation, from 99.5 years to 135.6 years. This makes it even more urgent to invest in the education of new generations of women," explains Gianmario Verona, Rector of Bocconi. "Economic development and the creation of a sustainable society increasingly depends on how successful we are in reducing all forms of discrimination and strengthening actions for inclusion. Starting with gender."

As far as education is concerned, this means eliminating all economic obstacles and encouraging female students to choose areas, such as STEM disciplines, where the gap is widest (girls are on average are 34% less likely to choose a specialisation related to these disciplines in their last year of high school), despite being those that today have the greatest impact on the world of work. For this reason, Bocconi has created the Women Awards, merit awards aimed at bridging the gender gap within degree programs that have a greater focus on STEM disciplines.

Future Bocconi female students can count on partial or total exemptions, awards and scholarship funds dedicated to them, created thanks to the support of numerous donors with whom Bocconi shares this objective and thanks to whom it has created: Diego and Monica Piacentini Tuition Waiver Program; Donna Javotte Women Scholarship Fund; Generali Bocconi Women in STEM Awards; Ebay Bocconi Women in Tech Awards; OTB Fondation Brave Women Awards; Equita, Bocconi Awards for Women in Finance and waivers for Executive MBA students; Pirelli Women Awards; Mastercard Bocconi Women Awards.