
Gender Equality Is a Question of Justice

, by Davide Ripamonti
On Thursday 31 March, Bocconi celebrates the Day of the Jurist, the annual event organized by our Law students. Among the guests, Constitutional Court Justice Emanuela Navarretta

The 2022 edition of the Day of the Jurist is devoted to the issue of gender equality and the measures put in place to achieve it. On Thursday 31 March, starting at 2:30 pm in Via Roentgen's Aula Magna, the event brings together junior and senior jurists of Bocconi University to address current issues and innovation in law, on the basis of the proposals made by Bocconi law students.

"We will look at the laws put in place to better protect the position of women, break down barriers and implement rebalancing measures," says Mariateresa Maggiolino, head of Bocconi's graduate program in Law. "Cultural change takes a long time but some propulsive laws, better known as affirmative actions, can help accelerate it." The Day of the Jurist, which returns in person this year after the 2021 online edition (the 2020 edition was canceled due to pandemic), will be introduced by Rector Gianmario Verona and the Director of the School of Law, Pietro Sirena. This will be followed by speeches by Catherine De Vries, Bocconi Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, Emanuela Navarretta, Judge of the Italian Constitutional Court, Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin), Sara Betteghella (Sustainability Manager at Diesel and Bocconi alumna), Miriam Allena and Graziella Romeo (Bocconi).

"The issue of gender equality will therefore be tackled from three different perspectives," continues Maggiolino, "legal, philosophical-sociological and, finally, the corporate perspective." A theme, gender equality, on which the Bocconi School of Law is investing heavily, as Pietro Sirena explains: "The choice made by Bocconi law students is fully consistent with what the school is doing, not only in terms of gender equality but also as regards other areas of social responsibility, such as environmental issues. More generally," continues Sirena, "the legal professions as a whole will have to increasingly deal with these issues."

Once the speeches are concluded, Marcello Gaboardi (Bocconi) will present awards to the students who participated in the Moot Court Competitions, international law competitions in which the Bocconi student teams have excelled.

The day will be concluded by a party involving the 2021 Master in Law graduates, who, due to covid restrictions, were forced to hold their graduation ceremony remotely.