
Gaia Rubera Associate Editor at Two International Journals

, by Weiwei Chen
The two publications are the Journal of Product Innovation Management and the International Journal of Research in Marketing

Gaia Rubera, Head of the Department of Marketing and Amplifon Chair in Customer Science, has been appointed Associate Editor of two international journals. Specifically, the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) and the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM).

As an Associate Editor, Rubera will be responsible for the peer-review of papers submitted to the journals, ensuring the high quality of the submitted content.

The Journal of Product Innovation Management is an international journal, published on behalf of the Product Development & Management Association (PDMA), devoted to the latest research, theory, and practice in innovation and new product development.

Rubera has been involved with the activities of JPIM and PDMA for more than 10 years. "During these years, I have managed several activities for the association, such as the organization of their conference in 2020 (PDMA Virtual Mini Conference and JPIM Virtual Research Forum). Moreover, I have been Co-Chair of a few PDMA Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competitions. In addition, I also served on JPIM's Editorial Board and the Academic Council of the PDMA," says Rubera.

Regarding the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Rubera, besides serving as an Associate Editor, is also working on a Special Issue, entitled "Contemporary Marketing Strategy Research: New Perspectives for the Digital Economy", together with Kapil Tuli (Singapore Management University) and Stefan Wuyts (Penn State University).

The International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal for marketing academics and practitioners. IJRM aims to be at the forefront of the marketing field with a particular emphasis on bringing timely ideas to market.