
Economist Ranking, SDA Bocconi Jumps Ahead

, by Tomaso Eridani, translated by Richard Greenslade
In the ranking of the world's best MBA programs, the School gains 23 positions, placing 47th in the world and 14th in Europe. The salary increase achieved by SDA graduates is the 14th highest worldwide

The positive international feedback for SDA Bocconi keeps coming with the publication of the 2013 MBA ranking from The Economist. In the list of the 100 best programs in the world, SDA Bocconi School of Management – the only Italian school making the cut – climbed 23 places this year to finish 47th overall and 14th in Europe.

The ranking is based 80% on data supplied by the schools and 20% on the evaluations provided by current students and graduates from the last three years. The criteria analyzed cover four main categories: new career opportunity openings, personal development and the educational experience, salary increase after graduation with an MBA, and the prospects for networking that present themselves.

Among these criteria, the MBA from SDA Bocconi stands out above all for value espressed in salary increase (14th worldwide) and percent increase against pre-MBA income (15th), for the internationalization of the graduates (23rd) and for the efficacy of career service support (40th).

"It is very satisfying to see that our focus on programs like the MBA is leading to this kind of success. It is a significant motivational factor for all the staff and the faculty members involved in the program, and of course for our students as well," comments Bruno Busacca, Dean of SDA Bocconi.

"This ranking shines a light on the importance of activities such as coaching and the career service, which we have integrated into the program itself and which have proven crucial in reinforcing the skills of our graduates in the job market" adds Gianmario Verona, MBA Director.