
The Battle of Science Against Pandemics

, by Tomaso Eridani
In this Story Scanner podcast we discuss how research and science can help us be better equipped to face future pandemics

Covid is proving to be the worst infectious disease of the past century, with reported deaths exceeding 4.5 million worldwide, and dramatic derangements of healthcare, the economy, schooling and many more aspects of our society. Thanks to science and vaccines there is now some light at the end of the tunnel but since it is highly likely we will experience further such events we need to understand and diagnose what went wrong and analyse how policies, governance, institutions and practices can be organized accordingly.

In this episode of Story Scanner podcast we look at what we have learnt, the role of research and science and how we can be better equipped to face future pandemics. Aleksandra Torbica, Director of CERGAS Bocconi, who was special advisor of the WHO Regional Office for Europe's Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, chaired by Mario Monti, talks about some of the main findings and recommendations of the Commission's report 'Drawing light from the pandemic: a new strategy for Health and Sustainable Development'.

Whilst Jérôme Adda, Dean for Research at Bocconi, tells us more about why research and science have had such an important role in the last 18 months and, looking at some of his own studies on comparative cost-effectiveness analysis of public policies during Covid19 and other epidemics, what we can learn looking at the future.

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The Battle of Science Against Pandemics | Podcast #6

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