02 Aug 2023 Opioids Addiction Starts at the ER One out of 1,400 US veterans who are prescribed opioids at an emergency room will eventually die of overdose. Two papers by Sarah Eichmeyer and Jonathan Zhang assess the risks of becoming an addict and worse.
29 Jun 2023 Matteo Di Castelnuovo New AIEE President Research, young scholars, internationality and participation in public debate are the priorities set for the Italian Association of Energy Economists
30 Jun 2023 Migration as a Step Towards Opening a Business From migrant worker to owner: when temporary migration is used to gain initial capital to become self employed
28 Jun 2023 Science That Fights Educational Poverty Bocconi's Laboratory for Effective Anti Poverty Policies provides rigorous empirical evidence on the functioning of experimental educational initiatives, which could be replicated on a large scale to improve the quality of education
23 Jun 2023 An Experiment With Monkeys to Understand How We Choose Between Goods of Different Value IGIER visiting student Nicolas Sourisseau reports on a seminar with Camillo Padoa Schioppa (Washington University)
13 Jun 2023 Understanding Expectations to Design Better Policies Luigi Iovino obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant to shed light on how expectations are formed and how they determine economic decisions. Interestingly, his results could provide central banks with effective tools to fine tune the green transition