IRIS - Institutional Research Information System
IRIS (Institutional Research Information System) is the institutional research repository for Università Bocconi.
It contains articles, editorials, books, books chapters, conference proceedings, cases, and other research materials.
IRIS aims at collecting and storing info related to the University's scientific research output. It also aims at monitoring research results and enhancing visibility of the University's effort.
It is interoperable with national and international systems for the management and dissemination of publications and allows imports/exports from databases (Web of Science, Scopus, ORCID, MIUR database)
IRIS provides researchers, administrators and evaluators the tools to monitor the research results, and allocate effectively the resources available. The interface is available in Italian and English. The system can be accessed with University credentials.
Metadata for all research products are freely accessible, whereas full text is accessible in compliance with the publisher's access policy.
Why deposit in IRIS?
- increased visibility of research
- funder compliance (H2020, Horizon Europe, Ministry for Education and Research, etc.)
- Google Scholar citations