
Funding Opportunities

The Research section includes calls for funding for basic or applied research.
The Innovation section includes calls to support projects that aim to develop processes, products or services or test innovation ideas. These include funding for SMEs and start-ups.


Research Funding


Current Calls

(two-phase call - see phase one deadlines below)

Fondazione Cariplo - max €200.000

Fondazione Cariplo has published a new call: "Young Researchers - Supporting postdoctoral researchers in the early stage of their career"

Through this call, Fondazione Cariplo supports after graduation researchers in the early stage of their careers. Indeed, the call is dedicated to researchers who accomplished their PhD no more than two years before the call deadline. The aim is to identify the best proposals to enhance the profile of young researchers and support the development of their research identity.


When submitting their proposals scholars will have to specify the academic area in which their project falls in choosing from:


• Physical Sciences and Engineering — deadline: 24 March 2025

• Social Sciences and Humanities — deadline: 26 March 2025

• Life Sciences — deadline: 28 March 2025


To participate, please get in contact with the Grants Office at

02/04/2025 17:00

Fondazione Cariplo - €100.000 - €200.000

Fondazione Cariplo has published a new call on "Inequalities Research - generating knowledge to reduce inequalities".

The call aims to mitigate inequalities; therefore, proposals must generate new knowledge in order to identify the different dimensions of inequality and foster the development of shared agendas and potential solutions.

The English version of the call will be available soon.

To participate, please get in contact with the Grants Office at


Spencer Foundation - max $50,000

The Spencer Foundation is now accepting applications for its Small Research Grants on Education Program, which supports education research projects aimed at improving education broadly conceived. Researchers can apply for grants up to $50,000 for projects lasting from one to five years. The program welcomes proposals from various disciplines and methodologies, encouraging innovative investigations into pressing educational questions.

Key Dates:

Applications Open: February 21, 2025
Full Proposal Deadline: April 16, 2025, by 12:00 noon Central Time

Internal Deadline: April 9, 2025

Eligibility: Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators must hold a PhD in an academic discipline or professional field. While graduate students can be part of the research team, they are not eligible to serve as PI or Co-PI.

To participate, please get in contact with the Grants Office at

Past Calls

18/04/2024 17:00

Fondazione Cariplo - €100.000 - €200.000

Fondazione Cariplo has published a new call on "Inequalities Research - generating knowledge to reduce inequalities".

The call aims to mitigate inequalities; therefore, proposals must generate new knowledge in order to identify the different dimensions of inequality and foster the development of shared agendas and potential solutions.

Please note that Fondazione Cariplo is organising a series of meetings to give those interested in participating the opportunity to ask questions about the call. To participate, please get in contact with the Grants Office at

16/04/2024 14:00

Russell Sage Foundation - USD 200,000

The Russell Sage Foundation’s (RSF) program on Social, Political, and Economic Inequality supports original research on the factors that contribute to social, political, and economic inequalities in the U.S., and the extent to which those inequalities affect social, political, psychological, and economic outcomes, including educational and labor market opportunities and consequences, social and economic mobility within and across generations, and civic participation and representation.

We seek innovative investigator-initiated research that will expand our understanding of social, political, and economic inequalities and the mechanisms by which these inequalities influence the lives of individuals, families, communities, and the country. We welcome projects that explore the relevance of socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, gender, geographic, immigration or other statuses for the distribution of social, political, and economic outcomes within and across different status groups.

RSF prioritizes analyses that make use of newly available data or demonstrate novel uses of existing data. We support original data collection when a project is focused on important program priorities and conducts surveys, survey experiments, field experiments or qualitative studies. RSF encourages methodological variety and inter-disciplinary collaboration. Proposed projects must have well-developed conceptual frameworks and rigorous research designs. Analytical models must be well-specified and research methods must be appropriate.


If interested in submitting, please get in contact with the Grants Office ( ahead of deadline.


Spencer Foundation - max $50,000

The Spencer Foundation is now accepting applications for its Small Research Grants on Education Program, which supports education research projects aimed at improving education broadly conceived. Researchers can apply for grants up to $50,000 for projects lasting from one to five years. The program welcomes proposals from various disciplines and methodologies, encouraging innovative investigations into pressing educational questions.

Key Dates:

Applications Open: February 21, 2025
Full Proposal Deadline: April 16, 2025, by 12:00 noon Central Time

Internal Deadline: April 9, 2025

Eligibility: Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators must hold a PhD in an academic discipline or professional field. While graduate students can be part of the research team, they are not eligible to serve as PI or Co-PI.

To participate, please get in contact with the Grants Office at

Innovation Funding


Current Calls

No events scheduled


Past calls

23/04/2024 00:00

Invitalia - between €100.000 and 1,5 milion

Smart & Start Italia is the incentive that supports the startup and growth of innovative startups. The application is presented only online on the Invitalia platform.

Innovative startups established for no more than 60 months and registered in the special section of the business register can apply for funding.

Smart & Start Italia finances business plans with expenses between € 100,000 and € 1.5 million, to purchase investment goods, services, personnel expenses and company operating costs.

The business project must have at least one of the following characteristics:

  • have a significant technological and innovative content
  • be oriented towards the development of products, services or solutions in the field of digital economy, artificial intelligence, blockchain and the internet of things
  • be aimed at the economic exploitation of the results of public and private research

Smart & Start Italia offers a zero-interest loan, without any guarantee, to cover 80% of eligible expenses.

This percentage can rise to 90% if the startup is made up entirely of women and / or young people under 36, or if among the partners there is an expert with the title of Italian PhD (or equivalent) who works abroad and wants to return to Italy.

Startups based in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily can enjoy a non-repayable grant equal to 30% of the loan and thus return only 70% of the loan received.

The loan must be repaid in 10 years starting from the 12th month following the last loan received.

23/04/2024 00:00

Invitalia - up to € 3 milion

"Nuove Imprese a Tasso Zero" is the incentive for young people and women who want to become entrepreneurs. The concessions are valid throughout Italy and provide for a mix of zero-interest financing and grants for business projects with costs of up to 3 million euros, which can cover up to 90% of total eligible expenses.

It is aimed at micro and small businesses made up mostly of young people between 18 and 35 years old or women of all ages, throughout the national territory.

Companies established within the previous 5 years having a shareholding structure made up of at least 51% of young people under 35 and women of all ages are eligible. 

Individuals can also apply for a loan, with the commitment to set up the company after.

Businesses can apply for funding to implement new initiatives or expand, diversify or transform existing businesses. Coverage of eligible expenses can be up to 90% to be repaid over 10 years.

No guarantees are required in the event of loans of less than 250 thousand euros; instead, the guarantee is envisaged for loans exceeding 250 thousand euros.

There are two lines of financing with different spending programs and aid schemes, depending on whether the companies have been established for no more than 3 years or for at least 3 and no more than 5 years.

Applications will open on 19th May 2021.

23/04/2024 00:00

Invitalia - up to €400.000

The incentive supports the startup and growth of companies and non-profit initiatives of the tourist-cultural sector. The loans are active in the Basilicata regions, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily. The application is presented only online starting from April 26, 2021.