
Project Members

Principal Investigator

Tamas Vonyo Tamás Vonyó is Associate Professor of Economic History at Bocconi University, Department of Social and Political Sciences. He is principal investigator of the ERC Horizon 2020 project SpoilsofWAR, which investigates the economic consequences of World War I in Central Europe. He received his PhD from the University of Oxford in 2011. He held positions at the London School of Economics and the Groningen Growth and Development Centre. He is research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. His research focuses on the history of modern economic growth and the economic history of the world wars, especially in the context of Central and Eastern Europe.


Research Team

Stefan Nikolic Stefan Nikolić is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC Horizon 2020 project SpoilsofWAR. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of York in 2017 and was postdoctoral fellow at the University of Groningen. His research focuses on the spatial distribution of economic activity, especially in the context of Central and South-Eastern Europe. 



Bogdan Popescu Bogdan Popescu is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC Horizon 2020 project SpoilsofWAR. He received his PhD from Chicago in 2018 and was postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University. He studies comparative politics and historical political economy. His book project – Empires in the Making: Legacies of the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires in Europe draws on political science, economics and history to examine key questions related to colonial rule and state formation, the modern-day impact of colonial legacies and the political economy of development and corruption. It investigates the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires and their legacies in Eastern and Central Europe combining statistical methods, including spatial and content analysis, based on extensive archival research. 


Maria Hidvegi Mária Hidvégi is a research fellow (AdR) in the ERC Horizon 2020 project SpoilsofWAR. She received her PhD in Comparative Cultural and Social History from the University of Leipzig in 2015. She had research fellowships at the University of Konstanz and Humboldt University in Berlin. Her research has focused on the development of leading firms and cartels in the electrotechnical industry and the history of electrification in Central Europe. In the SpoilsofWAR project, she examines the history of the largest manufacturing enterprises of the Habsburg Empire in World War I and in postwar reconstruction.