Verification of Financial Status and Validation of Economic Information and Documentation Provided
For the purposes of ascertaining an applicant’s financial status, ISU Bocconi – the Student Assistance and Financial Aid Center will avail itself of the means provided for by law, in particular article, 10 of Italian D.lgs. n.68/2012, article 71 of Italian D.P.R. 445/2000, article 11 del DCPM 159/2013 and INPS memorandum no. 171/2014, and at any time may request supporting documentation attesting to the veracity of the declaration verifying the truthfulness, consistency and correspondence of the economic and financial situation resulting from the comparison between the ISEE/ISEEU parificato certificate, the additional information and documentation provided and the documentation and information in its records. For the purpose of this verification, the University may also request, at any time, any additional documentation useful for verifying the truthfulness of the information, declarations and documentation submitted.
By agreement with the Lombardy Region Revenue Office, Ministry of Finance, the accuracy of the self-certification provided by students who are deemed eligible for financial services or provision of services through open competition will be checked, pursuant to current laws and in particular article 71 of ItalianPresidential Decree 445/2000.Furthermore, information regarding ISU beneficiaries will be sent to the National Institute of Social Security and to the Department of Labor and Social Policy according to Govt. Decree no. 78 of 31 May 2010.
Furthermore, information regarding ISU beneficiaries will be sent to the National Institute of Social Security and to the Department of Labor and Social Policy according to Govt. Decree no. 78 of 31 May 2010. If an applicant's declaration is false, sanctions will be applied pursuant to articles 75 and 76 of Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000 in addition to the sanctions foreseen by Art. 10 contained in Italian Law 68/2012 and in particular:
1. In the delay of implementation of regulations referred to in article 38, paragraph 2, of the Italian Law-Decree no. 78 of 31 May 2010, converted, with changes from Italian Law no. 122 of 30 July 2010, organizations referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, check the veracity of the family situation declared by the student by comparing the income and asset information declared by recipients of actions with the information in possession of the Internal Revenue Service IT system. For that end, universities, higher education artistic, musical and dance institutions and service provider organizations are given the power to directly access the Interexchange Tax Registry System of Local Organizations (SIATEL) at the Internal Revenue Service, upon stipulation of the appropriate agreement.
2. Service provider organizations send the lists of recipients of the same Financial Administration and can request them to carry out fiscal verifications and checks. The members of the family household of students benefiting from services are included in the categories that they are subject to, pursuant to applicable regulations, with maximum controls.
3. Without finding themselves in the conditions established by the state and regional regulations, anyone who submits false declarations, either regarding themselves or members of their family household, in order to make use of related actions, is subject to an administrative sanction consisting in the payment of a sum equal to triple the benefit unduly received, and loses the right to obtain other grants for the duration of the study program, without prejudice to in any case the application of sanctions referred to in article 38, paragraph 3 of the Italian Law-Decree no. 78 of 31 May 2010, converted, with changes from Italian Law no. 122 of 30 July 2010, as well as criminal laws for the actions making up the crime.
4. Pursuant to the aforementioned laws, the treatment of the data acquired through the application for benefit assignment, with the purpose of verifying the economic conditions and the veracity of the situation of the student’s family household, is necessary in compliance with a legal obligation pursuant to article 10 of Italian D.lgs. 68/2012, article 71 of Italian D.P.R. 445/2000 and article 11 of Italian DPCM 159/2013, as well as for the performance of the University tasks carried out in the public interest as an academic institution, in compliance with article 34, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Constitution, with DPCM 9 April 2001 and with Italian D.Lgs. 68/2012. The treatment of sensitive data communicated through the application for benefit assignment is necessary for the performance of the University tasks carried out in the public interest in compliance with DPCM 9 April 2001 and Italian D.Lgs. 68/2012 (articles 6 and 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016).
Pursuant to article 2947 of the Italian Civil Code, checks will be carried out within 5 years starting from the last undue use and resulting from self-certification that was revealed to be false.
Bocconi University reserves the right to implement disciplinary sanctions and, if details regarding a crime are recognized (article 331 of Italian CPP), report it to legal authorities.