Fees, deadlines and methods of payment a.y. 2025-26

By accepting the housing assignment, the student commits to completing the following payments:

  • the housing fee for the entire agreed-upon period;

  • the housing deposit which will be returned only after the agreed-upon period.

The Housing fees in Bocconi University residences vary based on the type of residence and room and are divided in “full rate” and “preferential rate”.

The preferential rate of the accommodation service is applied to students who meet the requirements defined by the Right to University Education, based on the economic condition of the applicant's family evaluated on the basis of the value of the ISEE/ISSEU parificato indicator for services for the Right to University Education and the ISPE/ISPEU parificato value.

Students who meet the economic requirements (ISEE/ISEEU parificato and ISPE/ISPEU parificato parameters) foreseen for a.y. 2025-26 may request the assignment of a room at preferential rate. For the preferential rate, 3 different fee levels based on the ISU brackets (1st, 2nd and 3rd ISU bracket) are foreseen, depending on the values indicated on the ISEE/ISEEU Parificato Certificate submitted at the moment of the application.

For all other students the full rate is applied.

The students contemporary enrolled or who intend to contemporary enroll for a.y. 2025-26 also to another bachelor of science, master of science, integrated master of arts, AFAM (Institution of Higher Education for Fine Arts, Music and Dance) course of 1° or 2° degree of study, pursuant to Italian Law n. 33/2022, at a different Italian or foreign University or AFAM, who submit or have submitted the application for the benefit connected with the Right to University Education Assistance at the other University or AFAM, cannot benefit of the preferential rate housing assignment. These students will be able to submit the application only for full rate housing.

The students assigned with a preferential rate accommodation for whom the contemporary enrollment with the request of the benefit connected with the Right to University Education Assistance at the other University or AFAM is verified, will be requested to pay full rate. The new fee will be applied from the first installment.

The standard assignment period (late August 2025 — late June 2026) meets the academic needs of most students. The assignment for the month of July 2026 can be specifically requested and paid separately by those who need it. A special application to request the assignment for the month of July 2026 will be available, information to be published soon.


The 2025-26 rates will be published in February 2025. Please note the information reference for the a.y. 2024-25 in the document attached below. Housing rates may change according to the rate of inflation and any updates.

The fees published here refer only to a.y. 2024-25 for which they applied. For subsequent academic years, housing fees may change according to the inflation rate and any updates.


Deadlines for payment

For a.y. 2025-26 the housing fees will be divided according to the following deadlines:

  • 1st installment (covering the period September — December 2025) within 5 August 2025

  • 2nd installment (covering the period January — March 2026) within 19 December 2025

  • 3rd installment (covering the period April — June 2026) within 10 March 2026


It is specified that the possibility of seeing the MAV for the housing 1st installment will be open to all students that will result assignees of a room at the beginning of July, regardless of their situation in terms of reaching the merit and the enrollment requirement.

In fact, seeing the MAV payslip on you@B does not entail an unconditional room assignment, which is always subject to the possession of the enrollment and merit requirements, verified by the Office later (after the deadline for payment set for August 5th, 2025).

We remind you that, in case of lack of the requirements needed to use the accommodation, the housing assignment will be cancelled by the office and due payments will remain in charge to the student; the amounts due will not be cancelled.

It is also specified that:

The payment for the month of July 2026 will be added to the 3rd installment in case the student will request to extend his/her assignment period also for July 2026.

Open reservations for periods shorter than those foreseen for the annual assignments have a specific payment schedule: the deadlines will be communicated when the room is assigned.

The payment of University fees can be made with PagoPa online system.

By clicking on the “Payment code” and then selecting “PagoPA button” you will be redirected to the online platform to complete the transaction by credit card, bank account or other payment methods (e.g. Paypal).

Choosing this payment method, the PagoPa online system will process the transaction within few minutes, with a significant reduction of registration times at Punto Blu and it will be confirmed by the color change from red to green.

Furthermore, as alternative payment method, After clicking on the “Payment code”,  clicking on the “Print MAV” bottom it will be possible to use the MAV printed online or the MAV code for the payment through www.scrignopagofacile.it or through your online bank in Italy.

It is specified that the time for the automatic registration of the payment, which will be confirmed by changing the color by red to green, in correspondence with the payment code, usually vary from 3 to 5 working days.

It is specified that exclusively for extra sepa payments (other than euros), it will also be possible to finalize the transaction through the Convera payment tool.

This method will be selectable inside the financial situation – payments section within the Punto Blu, once you click on the specific payment code connected to the installment for which you intend to proceed.

It is specified that the automatic registration of the payment, through the change of color from red to green, will normally take place within 5 working days.

In order not to incur penalties for late payment, it is advisable to finalize the transaction in advance of the expiry date.

If you need more details on how to make the payment, you can consult our guide available on B in touch.


The amount due for the housing 1st installment will be available for students with annual assignment and residual assignment received in June/July only after the enrollment to a.y. 2025-26.

Therefore, students enrolled in years after the first are advised to complete the enrollment to the a.y. 2025-26 by July 31 in order to have enough time to pay the first housing installment before the check-in. Lastly, for students enrolled in the first year, the amount due will be available in yoU@B agenda starting from the last week of July.



If the payment is not registered in agenda within 15 days from the deadline specified on the MAV:

• the cancellation of the housing assignment is applied with immediate expulsion from his/her assigned accommodation;


• the suspension of the academic and administrative position of the student is applied until he/she submits proof of completed payment regarding the amounts due.

The student will in any case and still be subject to the payment in full of all pending amounts and he/she will not have the right to the refund of amounts already paid. He/se will not have the right to the deposit refund.

The Fees, Funding and Housing Office, in addition, reserves the right to determine the non eligibility of the student for the Housing Service for the whole study cycle.


A student who receives a disciplinary sanction of suspension from exams and partial exams during the year will not incur revocation of the housing assignment, however, if he or she has an assignment at preferential rate, he or she will undergo the change of rate from preferential to full rate, and will therefore be required to pay the housing fee at the full rate starting from the first installment due after the sanction is communicated.