
A. Y. 2024-2025

The assigned benefit may be assigned for a maximum of 4 academic years for Bachelor's degree programs and 6 academic years for Law programs, which corresponds to the legal duration of the study cycle, with the addition of one year (for first year “fuori corso”), provided that the student meets each year the merit requirements for the renewal and below mentioned.

The renewal for the following academic year of the tuition waivers for enrolled students and recipients of the benefit depends on the following renewal criteria:

  • Regular enrollment for the following academic year within the deadlines and procedures defined by Academic Services. Please note that even in the case of a full tuition waiver, the first installment is always due to complete enrollment for the academic year.
  • Achievement of the minimum number of credits (CFU) during the academic year, as indicated in the table.

At the end of the maximum renewal period (3+1 or 5+1 years), the student will be required to pay the ordinary academic tuition and fees corresponding to that academic year of enrollment.


The confirmation of full or partial tuition waiver for subsequent years of study, for the entire duration of the assignment, is always subject to the payment of university fees and contributions at Bocconi University. For this reason, the assigned tuition waiver cannot be confirmed for academic years, after the first year, for students who were recipient of the benefit in the first year of enrollment and who, in the second or following years, enroll in a Double Degree/Joint Degree program that exempts them from paying tuition and fees at Bocconi University.

Renewal of the benefit for the enrolled students in the a.y. 2024-25  Credits required
2nd year a.y. 2025-2026 (BSc/LAW) 
49 CFU by September 10, 2025
3rd year a.y. 2026-2027 (BSc/LAW) 
95 CFU by September 10, 2026
4th year a.y. 2027-2028 (LAW) and 1st year “fuori corso” (BSc) 
150 CFU by September 10, 2027
5th year a.y. 2028-2029 (LAW) 
220 CFU by September 10, 2028
1st year “fuori corso” a.y. 2029-30 (LAW) 
274 CFU by September 10, 2029 

Any changes in the number of credits, which may derive from exceptional measures, will be communicated through the publication on the website.

For the achievement of the required number of credits for the confirmation of the benefit, the use of bonus credits, in addition to the credits already earned by the student, is NOT provided.

The fulfilment of enrollment and merit requirements will be automatically verified by the Fees, Funding, and Housing Office, but it is the student's responsibility to individually proceed with enrollment and verify if the completed credits have been correctly registered at the Punto Blu by the abovementioned deadlines. Students who encounter anomalies in enrollment or the recording of exams in the agenda should contact the Academic Services Desk via B in Touch by the deadlines.

Please note that for students enrolled in the HEC-Bocconi Double program, any benefit assigned under Bocconi4Access to Education scheme may be confirmed in the second academic year for the period of attendance at Bocconi only.

Students meeting the required criteria will see the tuition waiver assignation on the Punto Blu, in the financial situation, approximately by the end of September.

In case of not meeting the merit requirement, the initially assigned benefit will be subject to a gradual reduction according to the table below.

In the event of a request to change the degree course, the credits registered in the study plan of the degree course active on 10 September of each year of enrollment are considered for the purposes of confirming the benefit.

It is also important to note that if a student wants to change degree program, it should consider, for the purpose of meeting the minimum required credits for renewal, whether the change in program could bring to a potential loss of credits resulting from the change itself, and therefore impact the confirmation of the benefit. For this reason, it is recommended to get in touch with the Fees, Funding, and Housing Office via B in Touch.

Benefit assigned in the 1st  academic year of enrollment

1st downgrade in case of not meeting the required credits

Additional downgrade in subsequent years






No exemption 



No exemption 


No exemption

No exemption 


No exemption 

No exemption 

If the renewal requirement is met in academic years following the first of enrollment, in which the reduction of the benefit and/or the application of the ordinary academic tuition and fees occurs, the initially assigned exemption can be restored, upon the request of the student.

Provided that the merit requirement is met, the student can, in fact, apply for a revaluation of the downgrade and request the update of their status in order for the previously assigned benefit to be restored.

The assigned benefit can be assigned for a maximum of 4 academic years for Bachelor's degree programs and 6 academic years for Law programs, which equals to the legal duration of the study cycle plus one year (for first year “fuori corso”).


The instructions listed above constitute the official publication of the regulations for the a.y. 2024-2025 regarding the renewal of the exemption from payment of the ordinary academic tuition and fees for students who are recipient of the benefit in the academic year 2024-2025.

Please note: the rules on this page apply exclusively to exemptions assigned within the Bocconi4Access to Education system. As regards the rules for revoking the ISU Bocconi scholarship, the regulations available on this page of the site will be applied.