Necessary documentation

A.Y. 2024-25

— Currently on update — 

Being in possession of an ISEE/ISEEU parificato certificate within the set ISEE/ISEEU parificato and ISPE/ISPEU parificato thresholds does not necessarily guarantee compliance with the economic requirements for the Right to University Education benefits.

It is specified that the economic and asset situation resulting from the ISEE/ISEEU parificato and ISPE/ISPEU parificato values will be verified by Bocconi University.

In accordance with the legal provisions regarding the verification of the truthfulness of declarations and of the documents submitted by individuals applying for social benefits, the University will verify the truthfulness, consistency, and correspondence of the economic and asset situation resulting from the comparison between the ISEE/ISEEU parificato certificate and the documentation/information available in its records.

For the purpose of verification activities, the University may, in fact, carry out all necessary checks, by using the information and documentation at its disposal and/or by requesting any additional documentation deemed necessary.

Below you can find the required documentation for submitting the application, according to whether the student's family household resides and produces income IN ITALY or OUTSIDE of ITALY.

Documentation required of students with family household residing and with sources of income IN ITALY

  • Attestazione ISEE issued in 2024 for benefits for the Right to University Education indicating the student applicant’s fiscal code
  • Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) related to the above mentioned Attestazione ISEE
  • Financial statement form (download pdf), if there are entrepreneurial, individual or corporate business activities at 31/12/2022, with or without financial statements requirements. The financial statements form must be submitted for each individual or corporate company and must be completed, signed and approved by the competent accountant in charge of the company's tax assistance. The amount indicated in the financial statements form must be correctly declared also in the DSU ("altre forme di patrimonio mobiliare").

Online you will be required to indicate:

- the date of issue of the Attestazione ISEE;
- the protocol number of the Attestazione ISEE;
- any amount related to scholarships for the Right to University Education received by the student in 2022.


Documentation required of students with family household residing and with sources of income OUTSIDE of ITALY

  • ISEEU Parificato Certificate issued in 2024 by the CAF partnered with Bocconi University. For more information on how to request the ISEEU parificato certificate, please visit the dedicated webpage.
  • Financial statement form (download pdf), if there are entrepreneurial, individual or corporate business activities at 31/12/2022, with or without financial statement requirements. The financial statement must be submitted for each individual or corporate company and must be completed, signed and approved by the competent accountant in charge of the company's tax assistance. The financial statement must be submitted to the CAF at the moment of request of the ISEEU parificato and the related amount will need to be taken into consideration in the ISEEU parificato calculation.

“Declaration of Absence of Sole Proprietorship or Business Activities” (download pdf) in case of absence of sole proprietorship or business activities of the family unit as of 31/12/2022.


Additional documents:


In addition to the documents above, students who meet the requirements to be considered "independent" must upload the following documents:

> CU employer's declaration of income earned in the years 2022 and 2023;

> Income tax declaration referred to income earned in the years 2022 and 2023;

> Family registration certificate of the students and of their parent related to the two years prior to the date of the ISEEU parificato certificate;

> Rental contract, upon payment and in the name of the student, for years 2022 and 2023.

In the online procedure students with disability pursuant to Italian Law n.104/1992 or with civil disability equal or greater than 66% are required to point out this personal condition. In this case they will be required to upload all the relevant documentation issued by the competent medical committee in Italy.