ISU Bocconi Scholarship - First year students a.y. 2025-26

For students enrolled to first year in Bsc, Msc and Law programs


- Being updated - 

The Financial aid - Key information

Cash stipend
Possible integrations
Free daily meal, which corresponds to the amount defined by the Lombardy Region (amount for a.y. 2024-2025: € 812,00*) and access to preferential rate canteen service
200-hours work study program
The amount for a.y. 2025-26 will be available after the Resolution of the Regional Council of the Lombardy Region which is expected to be published between June and July 2025

With reference to the benefits applicable on the academic tuition and fees for the a.y. 2025-26 and their possible renewal for subsequent academic years, it is specified that students enrolled - in the first year of Bachelor of Science, Integrated Master of Arts in Law and Master of Science programs (Only Bocconi and Italian applicants) - must refer exclusively to the benefits assigned through the "Bocconi4Access to Education a.y. 2025-26" application.

To apply for the "ISU Bocconi Scholarship a.y. 2025-2026", the enrollment, economic and merit requirements listed below must be met. 

Students may not participate in the a.y. 2025-2026 application if they fall within one of the grounds for exclusion.


1a. Enrollment requirements

In order to participate, students must be enrolled in the a.y. 2025-2026 for the first time (absolute first year of enrollment) in a regular year of a Bachelor of Science, Integrated Master of Arts in Law and Master of Science programs. The absolute first year of enrollment shall be understood as any academic year of first enrollment in any kind of degree program (even if different from the one attended in a.y. 2025-2026 ) which required the same education qualification as the one needed to access the attended program in a.y. 2025-2026 , in any University in Italy or abroad, even if the program has not been completed.

1b. Economic requirements

In addition to the information above, students can apply for ISU Bocconi Scholarship only if they also meet the economic requirements defined annually by the Lombardy Region with its own resolution.

For a.y. 2024-2025, the values set by the Lombardy Region has been the following*:

> ISEE/ISEEU Parificato no higher than € 26.306,25;

> ISPE/ISPEEU Parificato no higher than € 57.187,53.


*The values for a.y. 2025-26 will be available after the Resolution of the Regional Council of the Lombardy Region which is expected to be published between June and July 2025

All details regarding the economic requirements for a.y. 2025-2025 are available on this webpage.

1c. Merit Requirements

To students enrolled in the a.y. 2025-2026 in the first year of a Bachelor of Science or Integrated Master of Arts in Law the merit requirement will also be verified ex post.

The student who has reached the required CFU (merit requirement) may participate in the a.y. 2025-2026 application; in particular, for students enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor of Science Program or Integrated Master of Arts in Law, the achievement of at least 44 credits by and lo later than August 10, 2026 is required.

For Students enrolled in the first year of a Master of Science program, 39 credits by and no later than August 10, 2026 is required.

Any changes in the number of credits, which may derive from exceptional measures, will be communicated through the publication on the website.

Failure to achieve the merit requirements set for the first year will entail the revocation of the benefit. More information in the page 1. Revocation of the benefit in the section 5. Revocation and forfeiture of benefit.

You might be interested in reading the "Regulatory updates" webpage, which you can find here.

Students interested in applying for the "ISU Bocconi Scholarship" for a.y 2025-26 will have to follow the deadlines and procedures described on the dedicated page.

Notification of results

Provisional ranking

By mid-October 2025

Final ranking

By the end of October 2025

All information about results are available to this webpage.

The ISU benefit assigned for the a.y. 2025-2026 will be included in the student's financial situation, which can be viewed at the Punto Blu (> administrative area> Fees, Funding and Housing) ONLY after the Fees, Funding and Housing Office has verified that the student is regularly enrolled in the first year or regularly enrolled in the year following the first to a.y. 2025-2026 For this reason, students who in the a.y. 2025-2026  will be "enrolled with reserve" (or have enrollment subject to reserve) will not be able to view in the system the benefit assigned for the a.y. 2025-2026 and will not be able to receive a refund of the first installment paid (advance payment) for the a.y. 2025-2026  until the reserve is lifted.

The assistance and services assigned for the a.y. 2025-2026 are not automatically granted for the following academic years.

For this reason it is the student’s responsibility, if in possession of the requirements, to submit the application every academic year of enrollment, according to the deadlines and procedures that will be indicated.

1. Revocation of the benefit

All information about the revocation of the ISU Bocconi benefit is available on this webpage.

2. Forfeiture of the benefit

The right to eligibility for ISU Bocconi and, if relevant, for scholarships and integrations will automatically be forfeited if:

  • the student does not submit to ISU Bocconi, via registered mail and within the deadlines and using the methods requested by the Office, any original documentation required to check the accuracy of their self- certification; in such cases the application is treated as an untruthful declaration;
  • the student withdraws from studies during the course of the year;
  • the student transfers to another university during the course of the year;
  • the student is not regularly enrolled in the  a.y. 2025-2026 following the results of the final ranking.

In the event of forfeiture, the same rules apply to the student as those provided for the revocation of the cash scholarship, supplements and services used provided for the revocation of the benefit. All information can be consulted on this webpage.