
A Wife, a Husband and a Startup

, by Andrea Celauro
In the fourth episode, Svolte tells the story of Naomi Kohashi, who from a past as a restaurateur and artist founded the Eligo company together with other partners and her husband. And she focused on studying for her MBA to get the best out of it

A family of entrepreneurs, Japanese origins but a life in Brazil (where she also has a restaurant experience), and studies at the Brera Academy. Once permanently in Italy, Naomi Kohashi decided to found the startup Eligo together with her husband and other partners. And it was then that she attended the SDA Bocconi Executive MBA to give a push to her new entrepreneurial activity. Naomi's turning point is the fourth appointment in the Svolte video series created by SDA Bocconi and Corriere della Sera.

"My husband and I were already dating and he pushed me to attend the MBA," says Naomi. And since she was already a startupper, "I did the whole Master program thinking about the best strategies to apply in our company".

Her eclectic experience is not a brake, on the contrary: "Simply, this wealth of skills, knowledge and experience had to be systematized so that it would give her useful tools for the pursuit of her entrepreneurial activities", underlines Marco Tortoriello, professor of competitive strategy at SDA Bocconi.