
When the Finish Line Is Always a Little Further

, by Davide Ripamonti
For Alberto Mondazzi, Italian Under 23 champion of 5,000 meters and a half marathon, training for a specific goal is important, but impossible in times of a pandemic. It therefore becomes essential to set a series of goals, one after the other

If you are just a student, things can get complicated, but not too terribly. The methods change, sometimes the timing, but the objectives remain the same. But if you are also an athlete of national standing, say, Italian Under 23 champion of the 5,000 meters and half marathon, ready to take the definitive leap into adult sports, then it is different. Alberto Mondazzi, from Cabiate in Brianza, a student enrolled in the third year of the CLEAM and only two exams from his degree, trains at home for a goal that will perhaps vanish, the European championships of next August in Paris.

"As far as university is concerned, everything is going ahead for the best. The awful and unexpected situation that rained down upon us was well handled through distance lessons, and I will soon be able to dedicate myself completely to my thesis. For athletics, though, everything is more uncertain. At this precise moment the European Championships are still scheduled, "says Alberto," but seeing what has happened for some important events on the calendar, from the Olympics to the European Football Championships and many others, they have good chances of being canceled ".

Alberto knows it but at the moment he pushes straight on as if the finish line was there, within reach. But hiding the truth from yourself is not easy, as is keeping motivations high. "Qualifying for the Europeans is the goal I have been preparing for, for months. Having such an important goal ahead increases the motivation and intensity of your training. Should it fade, I will have to review my plans. "

Training, after the premier's statements on April 1st, is no longer possible on the track or in the gym, even for athletes of this level. You have to organize yourself at home, with what you can. "Given that I had already stopped attending the sports center because health is the primary good, now the only thing I can do is train on the bike indoors, respecting my coach's plans. For a long distance runner perhaps the damage is less than that for sprinters, for them it is more difficult to keep fit without being able to take to the track ". Alberto sees in his future the long races, half marathon, in which he conquered the Italian Under 23 title in February, just before the coronavirus stopped all activity, and subsequently also the marathon. Without completely giving up the 10,000 on the track. Programs shift to autumn, should the European really be canceled.

"In September there is a half marathon in Copenhagen, and I would like to do it. Otherwise I will try a few races later ", continues Alberto," but making precise plans is really difficult ". As far as the psychological aspect is concerned, Alberto Mondazzi has the support of his coach, "who encourages me to go on sticking the training program", but also that of a group of friends and colleagues with whom he is in constant contact: "They are athletes like me, with the same problems, the same difficulties and the same goals. Feeling good is good for us and helps us stay focused. "