Supporting Education: 1,900 Students Have a Full Tuition Exemption
Bocconi strives to be accessible and inclusive. Thanks to a constantly growing investment on the part of the University, which in the 2024-2025 academic year will reach €55 million (compared to €46 million in 2023-2024, and €40 million in 2022-2023), Bocconi is capable of providing financial support to more than a third of its students (35%), giving benefits that can include full exemption from university fees and scholarships that fully cover the cost of living and studying in Milan.
“In the academic year that just ended, 1,900 students were given the possibility to study at Bocconi completely free of charge,” explains Rector Francesco Billari. “In fact, our goal is to increasingly support the Italian families who want to give their children a quality education and concrete prospects for their future. We want all young people who deserve access to Bocconi to be able to attend regardless of their economic conditions.”
Two programs have been developed over the last year to ensure Bocconi’s programs are accessible and inclusive:
Bocconi4Access to Education is a program designed for young Italian students who are deserving but deprived of financial means. There are various options depending on their needs. Una Scelta Possibile scholarships is a form of financial aid for students coming from particularly disadvantaged households, while the special “Moving to Milan” scholarships include the assignment of reduced-rate accommodation. There are also financial aid packages designed for students with disabilities and partial tuition waivers for siblings simultaneously attending the University, as well as support programs for student athletes, and “Women Awards” designed to encourage young women’s enrollment in STEM degree programs.
Bocconi Inclusion Programs promote access to higher education for talented low-income students and refugees from sub-Saharan Africa and countries marred by political instability. This academic year, 18 students were admitted to the University thanks to these inclusion programs.