
From student to student: how to approach a Master's degree

, by Barbara Orlando
Advice from Mohamed Horchani, secondyear Politics and Policy Analysis student

One of the biggest challenges I had to face when I started my Masters of Science degree was how to manage my time effectively. I would get caught up in between deadlines for exams, assignments, projects, and interview dates. It is so easy to get overwhelmed and panic. However, there are many ways with which you can avoid this stress and get ahead of the curve. Firstly, check your exam dates at the beginning of the semester and try to have a rough draft of your exam schedule; that way you can plan interviews accordingly and not have to deal with everything at the same time. Another great tip is to make sure to check every single syllabus for all your classes and note down the important deadlines for projects and assignments. Remember, procrastination is a slippery slope so don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Lastly, I strongly recommend using an online calendar (e.g google calendar) and have a weekly schedule as well as a to-do-list. Trust me, the satisfaction of crossing off things out of that to-do-list will be worth the extra effort.

I can confidently say today that doing this Masters Degree at Bocconi was one of the best decisions of my life. Surely because of the numerous academic and professional opportunities it provided for me, but above all, what makes Bocconi special for me are the people. Get to know your classmates, your professors and faculty members, your dean and everyone involved in this journey. Each one of them comes from a different background and has had different experiences before landing on the Bocconi campus. Take advantage of your time with them to know their life stories, mistakes, challenges, and successes. You might be surprised by what you can gain from it. Surely enough, you will leave Bocconi with a whole lot of lessons learned, professors that will turn into mentors and classmates that will turn into lifelong friendships.

During your time at Bocconi, you will have access to JobGate, the online platform where internship and placement opportunities in Italy and abroad are daily posted by the employers; JobGate is exclusively dedicated to Bocconi students and graduates, and you will find it particularly useful when the time will come to find your dream internship or job.
Through the years, Bocconi succeeded in reaching a wide network of employers that became partners and have a strong trust in the institution's ability to produce young and dynamic leaders to fix the problems of tomorrow. As a new Masters student, I strongly encourage you to get familiar with the platform and make a habit out of checking it for new jobs and internships postings. You never know, your next dream job might be waiting for you right there..."