Stanley Baiman Wins the 2014 Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Award
Stanley Baiman, adjunct professor at Bocconi's Department of Accounting and William H. Lawrence emeritus professor at the Wharton School, is the recipient of the 2014 Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Award, assigned by the Management Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association (AAA).
The award's purpose, according to the AAA website, is "to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to management accounting education, research and/or practice over a sustained period of time". Baiman has been singled out among a number of candidates by a three-person Committee chaired by London School of Economics' Wim Van der Stede.
"Whereas his work and its reach have been both deep and broad", the official announcement goes, "there are three strands in his work over the last 30 years across his c. 30 articles in major journals (...). In the 1980s, Professor Baiman was pivotal in jump-starting the literature on agency problems in accounting (...); in the mid-90s, Stan and his coauthors made important progress on organizational design and multi-agent contracting problems (...); In the early-2000s, Stan's research focus shifted to examining management accounting issues in inter-firm contracting problems such as in supply chains (...). A distinguishing feature of Professor Baiman is eclecticism. Although Stan is probably best known for analytical modeling, he has also used empirical-archival and other methods, and has addressed issues ranging from variance analysis to performance measurement to inter-firm incentives".