
Speeding up the digital and green transition

, by Tomaso Eridani
Elena Goitini, CEO of BNL and Head of BNP Paribas Group in Italy, talks with Rector Gianmario Verona in the new Executive Chats episode

In this period of complexity "we need to speed up the transition, especially with regards to digital and green," says Elena Goitini, CEO of BNL and Head of BNP Paribas Group in Italy and a Bocconi alumna, in a conversation in the Executive Chats series with Rector Gianmario Verona.
"Speeding up this transition is paramount to address the two key challenges we face related to globalization and the new frontiers in terms of sustainability, she adds.
With regards to gender diversity "we need to work on the sense of belonging, so as to give women a voice at the table, not just a seat," she underlines.
Goitini closes the conversation with some advice for NextGen: "be curious, follow your passion and do not be afraid of making mistakes."

The episode via podcast:

Executive Chat with Elena Goitini, CEO of BNL and Head of BNP Paribas Group in Italy

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