
SDA Bocconi MBA Climbs FT Rankings

, by Fabio Todesco, translated by Alex Foti
The Milanese business school improves its global standing. The rankings are compiled by taking into account the opinions of MBA graduates, as well as the school's characteristics

According to the FT Global MBA Rankings, SDA Bocconi is #38 in the world and #15 inEurope. This translates into ten positions gained with respect to last year and a good standing across all the 20 parameters taken into account by the rankings compiled by the Financial Times, which confirm that the MBA program offered by SDA Bocconi School of Management is among the most balanced on the international market for graduate business education.

SDA Bocconi excels in return over educational investment as measured by the ratio between salary increase and the cost of tuition, in the international opportunities offered to MBA students, and in the overall quality of its faculty body.

Attention on MBA programs has been particularly strong in recent months, since they are considered a countercyclical investment. Young executives usually prefer to invest in full-time education when their salary levels are negatively affected by macroeconomic trends.

FT rankings are calculated by considering 20 parameters grouped in three macro-areas: career development and average post-graduation salary; multiculturality in school and curriculum; quality of research. 55% of the overall evaluation depends from data supplied by former MBA students three years after graduation. The Wall Street Journal instead polls the opinions of corporate recruiters. In the latest WSJ rankings, SDA Bocconi was #17 in the world.

The FT Global MBA Rankings have existed since 2000. This is the first year in which a European school of management, theLondonBusinessSchool, has made it to the top of the list, albeit in a tie with US-based Wharton, the business school of theUniversity ofPennsylvania.