
SDA Bocconi confirms place in Financial Times top 5

, by Tomaso Eridani
The School of Management of Bocconi at 5th place in the ranking of the best business schools in Europe, which takes into account the results of the latest rankings published by the British newspaper

From masters to courses for managers, thanks to the positive results obtained in the various Financial Times rankings over the last 18 months, SDA Bocconi School of Management is confirmed in 5th place in the ranking of the best European business schools published today.

The Financial Times ranking is drawn up on the basis of the results obtained by the European schools in five different rankings: MBA (Master of Business Administration), EMBA (Executive MBA), executive education, both custom and open programs, and the Master of Science in Management of Bocconi University.

In the various rankings, the programs stood out for factors such as the salary improvement achieved by graduates and their career progress, the international experience of participants, their satisfaction with the programs and the services offered, and the programs' value for money.

"This ranking is further confirmation of how SDA Bocconi is now a point of reference in international business education. Once again the solidity of its managerial culture, the continuity of its research path and the quality and reliability of its programs are acknowledged," comments Giuseppe Soda, Dean of SDA Bocconi. "A commitment made with all participants, which has been maintained even in the most critical moments of recent years and which the School will continue to guarantee in the future to give ever greater value and impact to the educational experience."