
Responding, adapting and (virtually) socialising

, by Tomaso Eridani
During the Fall semester the CIVICA alliance universities switched back to virtual, with optimised elearning solutions, also with opportunities for students to interact

Whether "fall semester," "autumn trimester" or "Michaelmas," the first term of the academic year 2020/21 started with an open, socially-distanced campus for most of the students, faculty, researchers and staff at the eight universities in the CIVICA alliance.

In response to changing pandemic conditions across Europe in late 2020, CIVICA members switched to the virtual space, building on the lessons from spring to offer an improved online educational experience. The pandemic challenged everyone to respond not only with optimised e-learning solutions, but also with opportunities for students to participate and interact, both inside and outside the virtual classroom.

Here is a look at the photos and stories from the fall term across the CIVICA alliance: