
From Researcher to Entrepreneur. Svolte tells the Story of Isabella Castiglioni

, by Andrea Celauro
A university professor of physics, at a certain point in her life she decided to invent a company to bring the results of her research to the market. And she chose SDA Bocconi's EMBA Master to learn how to do it

Professor of applied physics at Bicocca University. A life dedicated to research, but, at a certain point, also another desire: to become an entrepreneur. In its first video, Svolte tells the story of Isabella Castiglioni who, thanks to the training of the Executive MBA at SDA Bocconi, managed to develop the skills she felt she lacked in order to get her biomedical project startup off the ground. Svolte is the series of 11 videos, created by SDA Bocconi and Corriere della Sera, which through personal and company stories shows how managerial skills allow you to make a radical change of perspective in your life or that of your company.

"It was a period in which I coordinated a very good research laboratory," explains Castiglioni interviewed by the deputy director of Corriere, Daniele Manca. "It was the time when so-called big data was starting to arrive in the medical field and I wanted to bring the best research results to the patient, to society and to the market. But I realized that I didn't have the right skills to do it." Moreover, "it was a moment in my life when I could get back into the game and dedicate myself to a second project. So I decided to look for the best on the market," adds the researcher.

She thus arrives at EMBA with Enzo Baglieri, who explains what role the skills taught in the Master program had: "Isabella lacked the mentality of an entrepreneur and manager. She had a researcher's approach of the highest quality, but she did not have the vision of the role, skills and approach of doing business." Furthermore, "She did not have a clear vision of the market: like every person who has a strong faith in science, she thought that it was the market that had to adapt to technology, while in reality the opposite is true: it is the technology that must adapt to the needs of the market."

Watch the complete video of Isabella Castiglioni's Breakthrough (in Italian)

Svolte Ep. 01 - Isabella Castiglioni ed Enzo Baglieri | SDA Bocconi

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