Population, Climate Change and Europe in the Post Pandemic World
The economy, politics, healthcare, work – so many aspects of our society have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. And in the post-pandemic recovery the 'new world' will be interacting with pre-existing forces that were already impacting our society – such as the geopolitical shift in the global economy, climate change, digital transformation, new political forces.
In the new episode of Story Scanner - the podcast based on the stories headlining ViaSarfatti25, the magazine from Bocconi University - we look at some of these megatrends impacting our society, the challenges and opportunities.
Francesco Billari, demography scholar, talks about the future demographic scenarios and the population changes underway which shape and are shaped by economic, social, political, and environmental change. Valentina Bosetti, professor of Environmental and Climate Change Economics, gives us her overview of where we are and where we are heading regarding climate challenge, the challenges and possible solutions. Whilst Catherine De Vries, who studies European politics, gives her view on if, after the coronavirus outbreak, the EU is ready or not to find a united front and face its next challenges – from economic recovery to climate change to geopolitical instability.
The podcast is part of 'Future World', a series of masterclass videos promoted by Bocconi together with Financial Times, with Bocconi professors and prominent guests discussing the forces at work impacting the economy, climate change, digital transformation, population change and European politics.
You can listen to the podcast here via:
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And here on Youtube:
The Future World - 2, Demographics, Climate Change, Europe | Podcast #04