People Economics

Policies During Persistent Economic Slumps

, by Weiwei Chen
Tommaso Monacelli is the Principal Investigator of a PRIN funding, provided by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. This project will develop new frameworks to study the macroeconomics of persistent slumps

Tommaso Monacelli, Full Professor at Bocconi's Department of Economics, is the Principal Investigator of "Persistent Slumps, Policy, and Heterogeneity", a research project that obtained funding worth ca. €600,000 from the Italian Ministry of University and Research PRIN program.

This research project aims to develop new theoretical frameworks to understand the role of stabilization policies during persistent economic slumps and how the effects of those policies depend on the degree of heterogeneity in the economy. In fact, this project will contribute to developing new paradigms for macroeconomic modeling for policy analysis. Moreover, the results will be relevant to shaping economic and social policies that foster economic activity.

PRIN was launched with the goal to promote the national research system, strengthen interactions between universities and research bodies, and encourage Italian participation in initiatives related to European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The project involves researchers from Bocconi's Department of Economics (Antonella Trigari, Luigi Iovino and Dmytro Sergeyev), University of Pavia (Guido Ascari), and Sapienza University of Rome (Salvatore Nisticò).