
The Pandemic Does Not Stop the Activities of Campus Life

, by Davide Ripamonti
A program full of extracurricular online events awaits students in the coming months

Communication psychology, literature and law, a cooking class with chef Daniel Canzian, a workshop to learn how to write effectively online: this is just a foretaste of what Campus Life is about, a large dispenser with all the ingredients needed to enrich the lives of Bocconi students beyond the time they devote to attending lectures and studying. These of course remain the priorities of students, but they must be complemented by moments devoted to one's personal passions. This, in a nutshell, is the meaning of Campus Life, whose activities have been moved online this year, with considerable organizational effort, while waiting to finally be able to return to full-time attendance.

"Campus Life offers multiple opportunities to enable our students to cultivate their passions and enrich their academic career by adding knowledge from fields other than the conventional ones", explains Antonella Carù, Dean of the Bocconi Graduate School. "The proposed activities are often organized with the involvement of student associations and range from sports to personal well-being, social responsibility and volunteering, arts and culture. With reference to the latter, we can cite the various opportunities to participate in theater plays, musicals, singing classes, and courses on cinema, literature, photography, music. To this must be added the workshops on geopolitical issues done in collaboration with ISPI, the Italian Institute of International Politics.

These are very valuable initiatives, which we hope to gradually reproduce in person, compatibly with the hoped-for improvement in pandemic conditions. We wanted to keep Campus Life going - albeit remotely - precisely for the value these activities have always had for the professional and personal growth of our students".

The Full Program