
Orchestral Conductor, Corporate Executive, and Finally Startupper

, by Andrea Celauro
The second episode of Svolte tells the story of Andrea Gottfried, who moved from classical music to hightech to return to music as an entrepreneur. A change made possible by the SDA Bocconi Executive MBA

The protagonist of the second episode of the joint editorial project Svolte by SDA Bocconi School of Management and Corriere della Sera daily newspaper is Andrea Gottfried, who from orchestra conductor became a company manager in the gaming industry. Then, after a SDA Bocconi Executive MBA (EMBA), he has reinvented himself as a startupper, founding his own company linked to the world of music.

Svolte (Turning Points) is a series of 11 videos that tells how business education and academic training have the power to radically change the lives of individuals and companies.

Hence his decision to enroll in the SDA Bocconi Executive MBA program, to acquire those skills and competences he felt he did not possess. "At SDA, we teach how to validate business ideas quickly", explains Mikkel Draebye, Associate Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship & Family Business, talking about the change of approach that Gottfried had to make. "We are often tempted to do too many analyses on paper, but we also need quick interaction with the market".

The notions and experiences of the course then led Gottfried to his second turning point: "I found a new starting point. I therefore decided to create a cultural startup called Fuori Opera, to bring opera to the people and pull them out of theaters."

Svolte Ep. 02 - Andrea Gottfried e Mikkel Draebye | SDA Bocconi

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