
Once a Pelican a Pelican Forever: Bocconi and Sport Activities

, by Carlo Favero - Deutsche Bank Chair in Asset Pricing and Quantitative Finance
Sports are important in the education of students both mentally and physically. And it creates a sense of belonging

A while ago, when Bocconi University was planning to invest in a Sport Center and in the development of a structure to manage sport-related activities several arguments were advanced in support.
Sport activities promote physical health, enhance mental health, improve academic performance, build teamwork and leadership skills, and foster a sense of community.
By offering sports activities, universities can encourage students to engage in physical activity, maintain a healthy lifestyle and increase focus, concentration, and memory.
Participating in sports can also help students build social connections and feel a sense of belonging, which can positively impact their mental health.
Team sports require collaboration, communication, and leadership skills, which are important qualities for success in academic and professional settings. Students can develop and apply these skills in other areas of their lives.
Sport activities can help create a sense of community and school spirit among students, faculty, and staff. Sporting events and teams can provide opportunities for students to connect with their peers and develop a sense of belonging on campus.

To achieve all these goals Bocconi Sport ( coordinates on the premises of the Bocconi Sport Center two levels of sport activities: the intra-mural and the extra-mural.

Intramural sports are organized sports open to all members of the university and provide opportunities for individuals to participate in various sports and physical activities in a structured and competitive environment.
Intramural activities promote physical activity, encourage teamwork and socialization, and provide a fun and engaging way for members to stay active and healthy. These activities range from traditional sports such as basketball, five a side soccer, and volleyball, and table tennis we are also considering more unique options such as dodgeball, and baseball-5.
Intramural sports are meant to offer a more accessible and inclusive option for individuals who may not have the skills or interest to participate in agonistic-level sports. These activities typically have less intense competition and may focus more on participation and enjoyment. They are an opportunity to stay active, build friendships, and have fun while engaging in physical activity.

Extra-mural sport activities involve athletic teams that represent Bocconi and compete in Italian federal leagues in sports like basketball, five-a-side football, lacrosse, rowing, swimming, volleyball, and water-polo. These teams are composed of student-athletes who, after admission to the university through the regular channels, are typically selected through a tryout process to become part of the Bocconi Sport Athletes programme.

The purpose of agonistic teams is to represent the college or university and promote school spirit, as well as to provide a competitive athletic experience for the student-athletes. Student athletes are expected to balance their athletic commitments with their academic responsibilities.

However, overall the best measure of the success of the Bocconi Sport programme is an anecdote I was recently told by Leo, a student-athlete of ours. Leo was very pleased to have been selected for a job interview in London by one of the most traditional and highly-ranked investment banks. However, he was also rather worried. As soon as he entered the room for the interview, he immediately realized that concerns were well-founded: the atmosphere was very austere, and the interviewing committee looked truly intimidating. The most senior, and most intimidating, committee member got up to accompany him to the assigned place for the interview. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed drastically: while walking Leo to the committee, the senior interviewer whispered reassuringly with a smile, "Once a pelican, a pelican forever".