
NTT DATA Collaborates with Bocconi and Milan Polytechnic on the New MSc in Cyber Risk

, by Andrea Celauro
The company is offering several scholarships for students in the new joint program created by the two universities

NTT DATA, a company for which cyber security is one of the main lines of business, is providing financing of scholarships for deserving students in the new Master of Science program in cyber security at Bocconi and Milan Polytechnic.

The continuous development and rapid transformation of technologies on which companies and institutions base their activities generate significant changes in the market, and consequently an ever greater attention to the risks associated with them. Organizations are simultaneously faced with complex challenges of technical obsolescence and data security problems. To address these issues, new professional profiles combining technical, managerial and legal skills are increasingly in demand.

The MSc in Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance aims to meet this demand by combining the specialized skills of Bocconi University and the Polytechnic University of Milan, who are inaugurating the program in the 2019-2020 academic year. The goal is to prepare a new category of experts in the field of cyber security, and efficiently seize emerging job opportunities. These professionals will be able to intercept risks and prevent their ruinous impact on public and private organizations.

This is a two-year, highly interdisciplinary program, conducted in English and combining technical IT content and analytical methods with elements of the social sciences such as management, economics, law, ethics and soft skills. The first cohort is composed of about 40 candidates with multidisciplinary backgrounds involving computer science, engineering, management or economics. They will be prepared to enter the labor market in companies, financial institutions, consulting firms and other organizations both public and private.

The main profiles that the course aims to train are that of Cyber Risk Manager, and Data Protection and Security Manager. The former figure deals with managing IT risk at an organizational level in order to govern it by designing and implementing ad hoc strategies. The latter, explicitly required by worldwide data protection regulations, handles data protection, privacy management and compliance in order to address this type of risk in particular.

"The lack of qualified professionals in the field of cyber security is a problem that Italy shares with the rest of the world. This is why NTT DATA considers it essential to make its own contribution to the education of those who will be the Cyber Risk Managers of the future ", declared Dolman Aradori, VP for Security at NTT DATA. "The initiative developed by Bocconi and Polytechnic fits well with the history of NTT DATA in this sector, due to its ability to combine technical skills with a managerial approach to the problem, all with an international outlook and a complete vision of the phenomena that comprise it. "