
A New Career Direction with Lifelong Learning

, by Tomaso Eridani
The role of continuous education and new skills in turning points in professional lives discussed in new Story Scanner podcast

In the life of each of us there often comes a moment that, looked at in retrospect, appears to be a moment of change, a real turning point. When this happens in the professional sphere, the path often requires the acquisition of new and different skills and in this step lifelong learning plays a vital role, whether it is reskilling or upskilling. Back in 2017 The Economist indicated lifelong learning as the new "economic imperative" - an obligatory path for the generations facing the changes onset by factors such as digital transformation which amplify the need for an accelerated reconversion of human capital and that the Covid pandemic has only further accelerated.

In this episode of Story Scanner podcast, Giuseppe Soda, Dean of SDA Bocconi school of management, talks about the role and relevance of lifelong learning in today's world and the requirements it should respond to. Whilst Isabella Castiglioni, founder of DeepTrace Technologies, and Pau Rodríguez, CEO of Methinks AI, both SDA Bocconi alumni, talk about the role continuous education had in the turning points in their professional lives.

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A New Career Direction with Lifelong Learning | Podcast #8

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