
The Library needs you!

, by Library & Archives
Bocconi Library has planned to follow the study seats reservation system that is used throughout the Campus.

In order to provide the community with an environment that is as conducive as possible to learning and study, and to guarantee everyone the correct use of the spaces and a fair and effective use of the seats in the reading rooms, the Bocconi Library has planned to follow the study seats reservation system that is used throughout the Campus, in line with what happens in the main international academic realities. The framework within which the Rules for utilizing study seats in the Library rooms and the conduct to be observed, proposed by the student representatives and signed by the entire community, are proposed, is that of co-responsibility in the creation of an environment in which each of us can express the best of ourselves and make the most of our talents.

To ensure a productive and respectful atmosphere for all, silence is required and a low tone of voice is requested at all times. We are aware that this will require a change in daily habits: we will only achieve this with the contribution and commitment of everyone.