Letizia Mencarini, a Demographer at the Department of Management and Technology
Her research interests focus on family demography (life-course analysis and, specifically, fertility, transition to adulthood, family formation and disruption) and its links with economic and subjective wellbeing, time use, gender diversity and migration, in a policy and welfare state perspective. Currently an Associate Professor of Demography at the Department of Economics and Statistics and fellow at Collegio Carlo Alberto of the University of Turin (since 2007), next academic year Letizia Mencarini will enter the Department of Management and Technology, again as an Associate Professor of Demography. She was a researcher in Demography at the University of Florence from 2002 to 2007.
An expert of Population Europe, Mencarini is among the Leading Women Scientists of AcademiaNet, as well as a member of the editorial boards of the journals of demography Population Review and Genus, and of Neodemos.it, a website on population, society and politics. She also worked as an independent expert for the European Commission and as a consultant for UNICEF projects.
In 2012 Mencarini was awarded with a five-year ERC (European Research Council) research grant by the European Commission. The project (2013-2018), titled SWELL-FER (Subjective wellbeing and fertility), currently represents her main research activity, which she will pursue at the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics of Università Bocconi, starting from September 2015.